contact us


Email: chaplain(at)

Phone: 01223 635076   

General Enquiries




Membership Secretary 


Retreats Coordinator                         


Prayer Group Coordinator       


Correspondent for Solitary Members                                           


Editor of the Newsletter                     

Via info(at)        

*Please delete (at) and insert the symbol @ when using the email addresses above. These are written thusly here to protect the FCP from spam.

Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer Privacy Notice

Thank you for your interest in the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer.

·   Joining the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer does mean sharing some of your personal data with us. We treat this personal data with respect and as strictly confidential.

·   We use your personal data for the following purposes:

o   To communicate with you at regular intervals. For example, we send you the annual newsletter and the bi-annual Sayings for Stillness.

o   To support the local prayer groups.

o   To support Retreats.

·   We do not share your personal data with anyone outside the Fellowship (unless required to do so by law).

·   At any point you can ask to see the information we hold about you in our database and you can also ask that we erase this data by contacting the membership secretary on:


The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer is a registered charity (number 298850).
