Prayer Groups
It is helpful to belong to a silent prayer group - as Jesus said - 'Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst' (Matthew 18. 20). The support and encouragement of others is invaluable. In a group, the leader for that day offers a saying to be used for the time together. The leader outlines the significance of it, with a time of silence at each stage:
- first, in terms of the thinking part of us (the mind)
- then, the part of us beyond conscious thought and feeling, in the depth of our lives (the heart);
- and finally, the doing part of us (the will). This last allows the group to share names and situations for which to pray.
We can pray silently by ourselves ... in a group ... on a retreat ... for as long or as short a time as we wish. However, the silence experienced in a group can be deeper than that experienced alone and this can greatly help and encourage the individual in their regular prayer time.