The FCP Saying for this month

The Saying for contemplative prayer in February 2025 is: ‘Take heart, it is I’. Mark 6.50 (NRSV).

The Sayings for Stillness commentary for the month can be found under the Sayings menu (see 'Some Sayings to use'). 

A full contemplative exercise for this month is under the Prayer Groups menu (see ‘Contemplative Exercises’).  

Some other sayings that you might like to use in a time of prayer:                

'I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; I will come and heal you' (2 Kings 20.5)

'Take hold of my strength' (Isaiah 27.5) 

'Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid' (Mark 6.50)

'Set your troubled hearts at rest; trust in God always, trust also in me' (John 14.1)