
NEW - material is now available for people who wish train as Witnesses, leading groups in the Fellowship way of contemplative prayer. This training is followed in conversations with a mentor and can be done in person, or 'remotely' by phone or on-line media. For more information, contact the Administrator.

The Fellowship publishes a wide range of resources, many of which are available free of charge.

Some material is suitable for introducing the method of prayer to groups or individuals and supporting them in the practice of contemplative prayer. 

There are leaflets available for people who wish to organise a local group: they include practical advice as well as material for use in times of prayer.

More detailed information is available for those who wish to pursue this way of prayer in depth, as well as books on the subject of contemplative prayer written by Robert Coulson and others.

Finally, there are CDs available (with supporting leaflets) which are for individuals or groups who wish to have a complete contemplative exercise recorded for using during times of prayer. These can also be used as material for a Quiet Day or a Home-based retreat.

Details of all the Fellowship publications are listed in the Resources Leaflet, which is available for download via the link In the INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL section, or from the Administrator.