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“Comfortable” words
It is possible to read the Scriptures as
a kind of rule book containing implacable commands that we disobey at our
peril. The first five books of the Bible are certainly cast in that kind of
mould, and there are theological and practical reasons for that. But set
against this the rest of the Bible, particularly the writings of the prophets
and the New Testament, and you find a strong element of pleading rather than
command. This is sometimes human beings pleading with God as in the Psalms, but
often it is the other way round, God pleading with humanity, gently and
persistently inviting us to turn in
his direction ethically, morally and spiritually. You may like to look up the
references at the end of the article to hear this voice.
The 20th century spiritual
teacher, Robert Coulson, founder of The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer,
often stressed the importance of what he called “the Divine Invitation” which
is found in Matthew’s Gospel (11.28-29), “Come unto me, all you who labour and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest . . .” He suggested that anyone who
was called to pray in contemplative silence should start by calling to mind
that invitation which Jesus extended to his followers. It is interesting that
the words found a place in the Holy Communion Service of the 1662 Book of
Common Prayer. There they are termed The
Comfortable Words, not comfortable
in the modern sense, but meaning strengthening
(think of the middle part of the word com
– FORT – able). It is worth spending some time pondering over these two
verses from Matthew 11. The words epitomise God’s persistent invitation to draw
near to Christ. And it remains a true invitation, not just a suggestion and
certainly not a command. God does not override the precious gift of our freewill.
If we so choose, we are at liberty to turn a deaf ear, just as we are free to
ignore or reject any invitation.
(You may like to check out these references:
Isaiah Ch.55.v1-3; Jeremiah Ch.3.v11-14,
Ch.4.v1-2; Hosea Ch.2.v14, Ch.10.v12, Ch.11.v1 & v8-11, Ch.14.v4; Joel Ch.2.v12; Matthew Ch.19.v14; John Ch.7.v37.)