September 2021
“I will guide you and watch over you”
Psalm 32.8 (ICB)
times of darkness and maybe lack of faith in God, we are afraid and feel that
God is not listening to us. Out of his own experience of such times, the
psalmist encourages others to pray to God with confidence and in v 8, God
himself speaks: “I will make you wise.
I will show you where to go. I will guide you and watch over you”
is God’s assurance that the way is to be found through his unerring guidance
and counsel – unlike the horse or mule which need forcible curbing to keep on
track, we have the promise that he will encompass us with steadfast love. Within the 11 verses of the psalm we find dejection and
guilt-ridden desolation, and then the move to trust and joyful praise.
The pattern can also be applied to the
life of Jesus. His ministry - as he taught and went about his preaching,
teaching and healing - was followed by suffering and death and then
resurrection to new life. And of course the same applies to our own lives, with
our times of trial and sadness as well as hope and celebration. Jesus is the
pivot upon which our lives can be balanced and settle in equilibrium. As we listen to these words spoken to the
psalmist thousands of years ago, we recognize the human emotions that he was
experiencing. We know that the same
range of emotions were experienced by Jesus in his ministry, his Passion and
his death. And we know that we too will share them, and that as we do, we can
look to Jesus, the risen Christ, to guide us and lead us in the Way.
following the pandemic we are still feeling bereft of the support we are
accustomed to derive from our friends, our activities, the places and institutions
and gatherings that make up daily life. Things may not have returned to
‘normal’ - we may still feel we are alone and out of touch with the people and
patterns of our lives that reassured and encouraged us. Even if the comfort that
we get from interaction with others seems diminished, we are always assured of
God’s loving and watchful concern – we can listen to him saying “I
will guide you with my eye upon you”.