August 2022
'My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in
2 Corinthians 12:9 (RSV)
These words are spoken to Paul by Jesus Christ. They came in response to a repeated plea to
the Lord for deliverance from an illness.
We are not told what this sickness was but most scholars agree that it
was some sort of physical illness that continually plagued Paul and which he
called his “thorn in the flesh”. It must
have been quite severe as the constant attacks held up the work to which he had
been called to do by Christ. He had been told to go out to all the world and
proclaim the good news of the gospel.
Paul pleaded with Christ three times, to take away his affliction and
after the third time, Jesus answered and said to him “My grace is sufficient
for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness”. Paul accepted this response and said “That is
why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in hardships, and in
persecutions, for when I am weak, then I am strong”.
We too, can be laid low by a severe illness or a
life-changing accident, but instead of succumbing in despair or giving up
altogether, we can ask God to give us His strength and we will receive grace in
abundance. Although we may not receive complete physical healing, we will be
given the strength to overcome our fears and doubts. God will never fail or forsake us. Our times of suffering, when patiently
accepted, and when we put all our trust in Christ, can be a means of
transformation as it became for Paul.
Equally, we can put too much trust in our own strength and
become anxious and exhausted by the demands in our lives, but when we stop,
pause to reflect, and put our trust in God, He will give us His grace and
strength. In our times of contemplation,
we can receive these Words of Christ into our minds and hearts and we will be
filled with His grace and divine strength to face any difficulty or illness and
to carry out our work. As the Words of
Spirit and Life begin to live in us, we can reflect out the divine grace and
strength to our neighbours, and all who we name during our time of intercession.